Flexi forklifts

Did you know that Hiremech also offer flexi forklifts? Well now you do. The whole reason for offering flexi forklifts is so that businesses can utilise less space while using and storing their forklifts. They don’t have to worry about the size of the forklift before...

Goupil G1: The latest addition to the Goupil Family

  We are pleased to announce that Goupil are launching their latest addition to their current line up of Electric Vehicles – the “Goupil G1”. Consulting the “Goupil Industrie” online brochure it is clear to see the technological progression each...

Quick Forklift Facts

Did you know that forklifts could save your business a lot of money as it does the job of about 10 – 20 men put together? They could be used to lift heavy merchandise and also clean up heavy scraps of dirt. Forklifts are also known as fork trucks in the U.S. You...

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