Hiremech have been busy developing a bespoke forklift (Hyster), with a fork-mounted cement mixer!

The cement mixer being on quick release, powered by the truck’s hydraulics, is a unique design and is a first for Hiremech!

The refurbished J2.5XN bespoke forklift was put together for the use of Other People’s Sculptures (OPS).

Hyster forklift lifting up a cement barrel

Phil Brown of OPS has been a Hiremech customer since 2016. He believed that this challenge was one that everybody was determined to pull off.

Because cement mixers are typically designed for agricultural vehicles, some obstacles were encountered along the way. However, everybody at Hiremech was very pleased with the finished product.

Harun Eraslan, Sales Specialist at Hiremech, said: “Everybody at Hiremech is extremely pleased with the result of this project”.

“We have worked well with Phil before so when he proposed this idea to us, we were very excited to get going with it.”

“This was not a straightforward job as we had never done anything like this before. Despite this, the new model is a great success for both Hiremech and for OPS.”

OPS will use their new truck to make batches of cement for Phil’s bespoke concrete sculptures.

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