Businesses in the Hertfordshire/Bedfordshire area you are entitled to an ERDF Low Carbon Grant of up to £7,500 or 30% off the capital cost of a low carbon initiative such as acquiring a Goupil electric vehicle (Hiremech can supply this).

Grants are available until March 2015 and offer a unique opportunity to maximise cost savings in replacing traditional engine diesel or petrol variants.

Goupil (A POLARIS COMPANY) offers a range of versatile electric vehicle solutions; utility, tow tractor and passenger options designed for maintenance, grounds care and logistics operations.

·         Low fuel and running costs

·         Zero tax

·         Contract Hire and other leasing options available

·         Complete UK distributor network

·         On-site servicing

·         Established product and brand in the UK and Europe

·         Extensive list of customer references

Take a test drive:

Register for your entry to the GreenFleet Arrive’n’Drive Show at the Rockingham Speedway

This year’s Greenfleet Arrive’n’Drive Show is being staged at the Rockingham Speedway, 23rd  September, and promises a great range of equipment designed to help you improve the efficiency of your logistics operations.

You can view and test drive Goupil’s latest electric utility vehicles and as a Show Special Offer; arrange a FREE onsite trial demonstration.

To make your visit to GreenFleet 2014 as hassle-free as possible, you are invited to register on-line at: Greenfleet

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