Hiremech Mental Health & Wellbeing Day 2024

Hiremech Mental Health & Wellbeing Day 2024

Hiremech is committed to creating a culture where the wellbeing of our people is a priority. As part of this activity, we were delighted to host a Mental Health and Wellbeing Day! Posters were created and displayed around the building which emphasised the importance...
Hiremech seal another deal with long-term partner DCL

Hiremech seal another deal with long-term partner DCL

When Designated Contractors Ltd (DCL) required four Hyster forklifts for the 18-month fit of the new ‘Stay Club’ student accommodation development, they called Hiremech to deliver. The site, at 201 Hangar Lane Gyratory, Ealing, had been an old Transport for London...

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