With two blockbuster dates for Lady Gaga penciled in at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in July, Hiremech has been on-hand to support the transformation from football pitch to concert stage.

Four Hyster forklifts were hired by the event organisers to help carry out the work, which involved the loading and transportation of the new stage and specialist flooring cover.

Paul Green, Hiremech’s Managing Director, commented: “With the events and exhibitions calendar now now fully back up and running, we are busy supporting customers across London.

“We have worked on various projects within the Tottenham Hotspur stadium and were delighted to support this latest event. At Hiremech we pride ourselves on providing a fast, effective and hassle free service with high quality equipment that helps get the job done first time.”

To find out more about how Hiremech can help make your event or exhibition a success, get in touch with our team today.  

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