When it comes to moving perishables around stadium bars, the choice of equipment can be a game-changer.

Watford FC, popularly known as the Hornets, recently found themselves in need of such equipment. After witnessing our top-quality MHE in action at another football club, Tottenham Hotspurs FC, they knew exactly who to turn to for help.

Watford FC had specific requirements for their new equipment. They needed a solution that was not only efficient and reliable but also tailored to their needs.

Our expert Senior Sales Executive, Brian Lacey-Smith, worked with the club and was able to provide the solution they needed, a Hyster ride-on PPT, which was delivered within two weeks.

Retail and Logistics Manager, Adam Jackson commented “I was impressed by the quick delivery and how Hiremech had gone above and beyond to present the equipment to us with our stickers and team colours.”

At Hiremech we are commitment to tailoring our services to meet the specific needs of our clients.

To learn more about how we can help improve your business strategy, get in touch with our team of local experts or call us on 020 8880 3322.

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