Here at Hiremech, we pride ourselves on supporting our customers and supplying the equipment and service they need to get on with what they do best.

A recent example of this is the delivery of a more reliable and powerful machine for our clients, J.Stimler, one of the UK’s top fabric suppliers.

The company, which provides high quality fabric design and bulk production services for fashion retailers, needed to replace an old 3-wheel electric truck with a more reliable and powerful machine to keep their goods moving.

They were so impressed with their new electric Hyster forklift that they are now looking for an additional unit to add to their fleet, and as always Hiremech will deliver.

Harun Eraslan, salesperson at Hiremech, commented: “I’m delighted that our partnership has just grown even stronger with J.Stimler and that we are now sourcing them an additional unit to their fleet.

“The wholesale fabric suppliers have been brilliant to work with and I’m pleased with how much their new Hyster truck has improved their day-to-day business already.”

Find out more about how Hiremech can support your business by speaking to our expert and friendly team today.

Talk to us today about Hiremech can help your business by clicking here or call us on 020 8880 3322.

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