Now that’s what I call partnership!

We are proud to have been working with P W Gates Distribution Ltd, a leading third-party logistics provider, for more than 20-years.

The hugely successful business operates across multiple sites, with their large fleet of vehicles and trailers covering the UK with palletised shipments. We assist them with equipment for hire, purchase, maintenance and service, to ensure their day-to-day business operations are successful.

We currently have an onsite Engineer managing over 60 forklifts, order pickers, access platforms and cleaning equipment on hire across their three sites in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, and Bedford.

This year our team have helped the business move out of two old locations and have supplied 20 Lithium PPT and 10 Hyster H2.5FT. Last year we supplied 8 VNA, 2 high level order pickers and other rentals for their new warehouse.

P W Gates are just one of our long-standing partnerships. Are you in need of a trusted MHE supplier who can always deliver? There’s a reason we are London’s No.1!

Get in touch with our friendly team today or call us on 020 8880 3322.

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