The Hireman, an award-winning family business, which provides tool hire and equipment services, have taken delivery of their fully refurbished forklift from us and are once again pleased with the outcome.

Alex Milne, Head of Business for The Hireman said “We have been using Hiremech over the last few years for short term rental, and repairs on our own equipment as and when needed.

“Hiremech have always been very reliable, fair, and easy to work with, so when our old forklift in our Croydon branch packed in, I gave them a call. I was very impressed with the quote, and how quickly they were able to deliver, which was within a few weeks!

“When the forklift was delivered their sales rep, Brian, came to our site and gave us some spare keys and went through the new model forklift with us.

“It was a pleasure dealing with everyone at Hiremech and as and when any other requirements come up I will of course give Hiremech the opportunity to quote.”

Talk to us today about Hiremech can help your business by clicking here or call us on 020 8880 3322.

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