A match made in heaven… Celebrating our partnership with Premiership Rugby Club Saracens this Valentines.

We are proud to share our new five-year hire contract agreement with the elite North London based Rugby Union club.

The team expect a professional service both on and off the pitch, and know this is something Hiremech can guarantee.

A Hyster forklift was delivered to their site within six weeks as they needed a new machine to help carry out all their MHE requirements at their StoneX Stadium.

Our alliance has been solidified over the past 10 years of working in partnership together, with this being the third time we have had a long-term contract with the club.

Site Manager, Aaron Lee commented: “We have been working with Hiremech for more than 10 years for all our long and short-term Forklift needs.


“We have always been impressed with how quickly any issues are resolved, this is extremely important to us so that we can avoid any disruption.


“We cannot fault the service and prices provided by Hiremech. The team recognised that our truck would spend prolonged periods of time outside, so suggested we fit a weather protection cab on the forklift before delivery, which has been great with all the rain we have had.”

Is your business in need of top quality MHE? We’re dedicated to providing the best for our customers. There’s a reason we are London’s No.1, get in touch today to discover how we can help you.


Saracens Blog

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