We have new and old forklift trucks to keep your business moving, whatever your requirements, Hiremech have you covered.

Our fleet of forklifts for sale in London are made up of high performing units that are suitable for a wide range of applications, just ask our good friends at Tipperhire.

The business specialise in vehicle hire for the Construction, Civil Engineering industries, Local Councils, Tree Surgeons, Facilities Management, and many more.

Having worked in partnership for more five years, Tipperhire knew who to call when they needed a new forklift for transporting weights for load testing on a rolling road.

Within two weeks a refurbished Hyster was delivered to site.

Tipperhire Director, Richard Weeks commented: “I was impressed that the forklift came with a full cab and heater, the forklift will be outside most of the time, so the operators are happy that they have protection from the elements.


“I’d highly recommend Hiremech, delivery time was brilliant and we received the unit within two weeks.”

If you are unsure of the type of forklift you require or would like more information before you commit, please get in touch with our knowledgeable team today.

Get in touch with our friendly team today or call us on 020 8880 3322.

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