As the Hyster dealer for London, we are proud to offer our customers an exceptional service and high quality MHE to help increase your productivity.

With our competitive rates, outstanding service, and quick response, you are guaranteed to get the job done.

That’s why Nendle Manufacturing Ltd (NML) chose Hiremech to supply them with a refurbished unit, after recently retiring their old one.

NML are specialists in vibration and noise suppression for industrial and commercial applications and they needed a refurbished truck with low hours.

Jamie Grosvenor, Director at NML said: “I was shopping around for a week and had seen other trucks from competitors to replace my old truck, and I chose Hiremech because I found them to be the most honest and trusting.


“They gave me the option of paying after delivery, and if I didn’t like the machine I had the option to return it, which was something other suppliers couldn’t offer.


“With such low hours, new tyres and a top-quality finish achieved by Hiremech, the truck is as good as new.  You would be hard pressed to tell it was a 2017 model.


“Hiremech were competitively priced and professional, and have been transparent and informative from the start.”

Get in touch with London’s No.1 today 020 8880 3322.

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