APT Scaffolding, a reputable company based in London, specialises in a wide range of scaffolding services throughout the Greater London area and its surroundings. With complex scaffolding projects on the horizon, they required an efficient solution to meet all their business needs.

Understanding their requirements, Hiremech stepped in and delivered a refurbished Hyster H3.0XT forklift in time for the festive season. This new piece of machinery was delivered within three weeks from the point of order, demonstrating our commitment to a timely service.

This isn’t the first time APT Scaffolding has turned to us to fulfil their MHE needs, which is a testament to the solid relationship we have built together.

Philip Mendelsohn, the Transport & ISO Compliance Manager at APT Scaffolding Ltd, had a few words to say about our collaboration:

“At APT Scaffolding, we need to have a good reliable forklift on hand every day. I decided to renew my contract with Hiremech after receiving their full support during the first contract. Their service team are always on hand to help resolve any defects that may occur. Upon renewal of the new contract, they completed a site survey and understood the exact requirements, and have supplied us with the best option for our use. I would be happy to recommend Hiremech to anyone looking for a new forklift.”

With a reliable forklift in place, APT Scaffolding is ready to tackle the demanding projects that lie ahead in 2024. As for Hiremech, our commitment to quality service and strong supplier relationships continues.

Get in touch with our team today.

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