No job is too big or request too small here at Hiremech! When C&M Bespoke Marble needed to unload a large marble cutting machine in their London factory, they quickly realised we were the team to call.

Checking out our five-star Google reviews, C&M soon discovered that Hiremech is the only company in London offering the service that would fulfil all their requirements.

A Hyster H5.5FT was delivered and used singlehandedly by our trained driver, Jason, who unloaded the 3,500kg machine and made sure the job was done safely and promptly.

Majeed Abozyed, from C&M said: “From the moment they arrived Hiremech handled this job safely and professionally, we would highly recommend the lift truck and driver service they offer.”

Do you have heavy equipment that needs unloading or are you thinking of updating your equipment and need some advice? Then get in touch with your local experts at Hiremech by clicking here or call us on 020 8880 3322.

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