The Hiremech Blog

Forklift fails 2018

Forklift fails 2018

  As long as there are forklifts, there will be fails. Just when the work day seems it couldn't get worse, there's someone with a camera phone or a CCTV...

Are electric forklifts the future?

Are electric forklifts the future?

  For many decades, diesel and gas forklifts have been used to transport heavy material on construction sites in the UK. These forklifts are used by many...

7 most common mistakes in forklift exams

7 most common mistakes in forklift exams

  As with any other exam, preparing for your forklift evaluation can seem extremely daunting. Having your level of knowledge and expertise with a subject...

Why Electric Forklifts are so good

CAT have been designing and building forklift trucks and lifting equipment since the 1960s. Their brand is synonymous with high performance, reliability and a...

Common questions about forklifts

Forklifts come in all shapes, sizes and are suitable for many different types of job. It can be a little confusing in knowing what the best type of forklift...

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