Equipment damage and inefficient processes can have devastating results. What happens in your warehouse can have a significant effect on what happens in the long run.

Not only can downtime in your warehouse be costly, there can be numerous costs to it as well. Upfront and visible costs are a given, but there are also hidden costs which can lead to overtime, loss of revenue, emergency service calls and inefficient worker time.

Here are a few tips to help you increase workplace productivity and minimise downtime.

  1. Establish a regular maintenance plan

Ensure your machines are regularly maintained, as machinery that continuously breaks down can create negative impact. Make sure you implement a rigorous inspection process.

  1. Utilise new technology

Stay competitive by being on the lookout for new and more productive material handling equipment. This will ensure that you are the top of your game and can new technologies will improve work flow.

  1. Replace out of date machinery

Out-dated machinery can slow down the manufacturing process. Therefore, installing new equipment is important. Many companies make the mistake of servicing instead of replacing, costing them a lot of money in the long run.

  1. Track efficiency levels

It is important to analyse the state of your operations daily. If you aren’t running at peak performance then it is essential to find out why and fix it immediately. Efficiency directly relates to profit, so if you are not running efficiently you could be losing money.

  1. Check inventory

Another important factor is inventory accuracy. If you do not do inventory check every day this could lead to missed sales and incorrect purchasing decisions therefor leading to poor customer relations.

  1. Improve warehouse layout

Your workers will work better in a space that is based around their needs. Improving simple things like the warehouse layout will improve work flow and get things done more efficiently. Many companies think that it is a good idea to maximise racking or pallet space but this severely impacts flow throughout the warehouse.


These are just a few tips to help you within your warehouse. In no time your warehouse will be running smooth like clockwork. What other suggestions do you have? Let us know in the comments below.

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