Hiremech has supplied a fully refurbished Hyster 3-tonne truck for Frixos Metal Works Ltd’s day-to-day loading and unloading of HGV in their yard in Enfield.

Frixos Metal Works Ltd has been a partner of Hiremech for over ten years now and a strong working relationship has been built through Hiremech’s reliability and consistency in delivering equipment.

John Yanni, Operations Manager at Frixos Metal Works Ltd, said:

“We were looking for an additional forklift to assist in our day-to-day operations and we always use Hiremech for our equipment. They always offer good, reliable service and are our local supplier in London. I have known them for years and we are always very happy with them.”

Brian Lacey-Smith, Senior Sales Executive at Hiremech, said:

“We look forward to carrying on our working relationship with John and his team at Frixos.”

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